Bayhealth Cancer Institute

Bayhealth Medical Center is affiliated with the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania – one of just a few centers in the nation designated a Comprehensive Cancer Center by the National Cancer Institute. This relationship provides Bayhealth patients with expanded cancer diagnosis, treatment, research and education.

  • To advance Bayhealth’s cancer mission through programs that benefit the community
  • To provide a mechanism for cancer education, prevention and research
  • To support outreach and the cancer center affiliation
  • To support the medical staff in developing specialty programs in cancer care

The Bayhealth Cancer Institute’s success depends on grants, fundraising efforts, and contributions from people like you. These initiatives are not financed by patient charges or insurance plans.

How You Can Help

Cancer can change a person’s life forever. Bayhealth’s Cancer Institute is committed to providing support for cancer patients and survivors throughout their treatment and recovery. Many of our programs exist because of the generous gifts of our patrons, and no donation is too small to make an impact.

There are many giving opportunities:

Helping Hands Fund
Cancer disrupts a person’s life, and can often lead to financial difficulty. The Helping Hands Fund provides financial assistance to your neighbors who are trying to make ends meet while in treatment. The Helping Hands Fund may assist with an electric bill, medication co-pay, or another necessity.

Staff Education
Without education, our staff would be unable to keep up with the latest advances in cancer care. Your donation to the Staff Education fund may pay for a staff member’s attendance at an educational conference, or fund specialized training. Your donation directly impacts the level of care that we are able to provide at Bayhealth.

Screening and Prevention Programs
Just because a patient has been declared “cancer-free” doesn’t mean they will remain that way. Your donation allows us to provide cancer screening and prevention services to keep our survivors healthy and cancer-free. This fund also helps us promote access to services vital to our community.

In Memoriam
Make a donation to honor a departed loved one, friend, or colleague, or commemorate the work of someone who helped others.

Clinical Trials Support
Because of our membership in the Penn Cancer Network, Bayhealth is able to conduct clinical trials that improve patient experiences and outcomes. Donations to this fund help us to ensure compliance with federal regulations and maintain national accreditation.

Make a contribution to celebrate a milestone or recognize someone you love.

Got some time on your hands? Join Bayhealth’s amazing team of invaluable volunteers! Bayhealth volunteers devote more than 47,000 hours each year, helping to carry out our mission to the surrounding communities. Contact Volunteer Services at 302-430-7013 (Kent Campus) or at 302-430-5621 (Sussex Campus).

For more information or to discuss other ways to donate to the Bayhealth Cancer Institute please call us at 302-744-7015 or email us at


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