Bayhealth Welcomes First New Year Babies of 2024
As the world rang in the New Year, Bayhealth welcomed its first two New Year babies of 2024.
At Bayhealth Hospital, Kent Campus, baby girl Emery Grace Foster was born to parents Alyssa Novello and Edward “Eddie” Foster of Townsend at 3:09 p.m. on Jan. 1. She weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz. and was 21 inches long.
“2023 was a rough year for our family, so welcoming 2024 with Emery was a much-needed blessing for us. It’s pretty cool to say we have a New Year baby,” stated Ms. Novello. “We had a great care team during the delivery, so that makes this moment even better.”
According to Emery’s father, Eddie Foster, Emery was born with a full head of dark hair and long legs. “I’m just overwhelmed with joy. She’s our first child, and it’s amazing to be called ‘Dad’ for the first time.”
At Bayhealth Hospital, Sussex Campus, baby boy Richard Marckenly was born 12:05 p.m. on Jan. 1 to parents Pascale Meriscar and Richard Mackendy of Milford. He weighed 6 lbs., 15 oz. and was 20 inches long. Baby Richard joins his big brother as the family’s second child.
His original due date was Jan. 12, so he arrived earlier than expected. “Thank you to Bayhealth for a very good night [of labor] and delivery; they care for moms and babies really well, and I appreciate that,” stated Ms. Meriscar. “We feel really good about going home to meet his big brother.”
Women’s and Children’s Services presented both sets of parents with a gift basket containing thermometers, blankets and other items new parents might need.
Visit Bayhealth.org/Womens-Childrens-Health for more information about Women’s Services at Bayhealth.