Myths About Breast Cancer
The topic of breast cancer can be confusing, as there are many rumors about the disease. Luckily, Bayhealth’s Breast Care Coordinator Trisha Bentley, BSN, RN, can help clear any confusion and help you stick to the facts.
Myth: Only women get breast cancer.
Fact: While breast cancer is primarily diagnosed in women, men can get breast cancer as well. Men should do self-exams at home just like women and report any changes or concerns to their doctors.
Myth: Only women with a family history of breast cancer should be concerned.Fact: Most patients diagnosed with breast cancer have no close relatives with the disease. Discuss your family history of breast cancer with your doctor, as it may affect your screening age.
Myth: If your mammogram is clean, you’re in the clear for a year.
Fact: You can certainly breathe a sigh of relief when your mammogram results come back normal, but don’t let your guard down. Continue to do monthly self-exams at home throughout the year and call your doctor if you have any concerns.
Myth: You will always feel a lump if you have breast cancer.
Fact: Many women assume they will be able to feel a lump in their breast if they have cancer. Early breast cancer is often silent. Self-exams should be part of your routine, but don’t skip out on annual mammograms even if you don’t notice anything out of the ordinary.
Myth: Young, healthy women don’t get breast cancer.
Fact: While exercising regularly and eating healthy can reduce the risk of breast cancer, it doesn’t guarantee that you won’t develop the disease.
Women – and men – of all ages should regularly check themselves for any changes in breast tissue. Monthly self-exams, annual clinical exams by a health professional and annual mammograms can greatly increase the chance of findings early-stage breast cancer.
Each month, Bayhealth offers clinical breast exams and regular mammography screenings at no cost for women who are uninsured or underinsured. Although the screenings are free of charge, pre-registration is required. Call Katie Killen at 302-744-6562 for more information.
To schedule a mammography screening via phone at one of Bayhealth’s locations in Dover, Middletown, Milford, and Smyrna, call 302-744-7060 (Kent) or 302-430-5707 (Sussex).
Visit Bayhealth.org/Mammo to learn more.