Andrew G Park

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Andrew G. Park, MD

Orthopedic Surgery

Bayhealth Orthopaedics, Sussex Campus

100 Wellness Way

Milford , DE 19963 Get Directions

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Andrew Park, MD, MBS, specializes in orthopaedic surgery.

Having many family members with careers in the medical field, Dr. Park was exposed early to the hospital setting and had his first summer jobs working there. Wanting to learn all he could about medicine in order to make lives easier for people, he knew his calling was to be a physician.

At Rutgers New Jersey Medical School in Newark, New Jersey, he worked in the trauma department and saw firsthand the horrific effects of gun violence and motor vehicle accidents. But being able to help traumatized patients through orthopaedic surgery seemed a natural fit, which then confirmed his future field.

Dr. Park is genuine and caring with his patients and tries to make the process efficient and work best for them, with the goal to have surgical or non-surgical solutions that improve their health and wellbeing. As a former Division I athlete in track and field, he applies his innate competitive drive to continually refine his skills as an orthopaedic surgeon and strive to give all his patients a better quality of life.

When he’s not working, Dr. Park likes to stay fit as well as stay active with athletics by coaching at youth camps. He also enjoys cooking and spending time with family and friends, and is an avid traveler.

Other Practice Locations

Bayhealth Orthopaedics, Dover
(302) 730-4366

651 Bay Road, Suite F1

Dover, DE 19901

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Bayhealth Orthopaedics, Total Care – Milton
(302) 503-2300

18383 Hudson Road, 2nd Floor, Suite B

Milton, DE 19968

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Education & Expertise

UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical School

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital - Orthopedic Surgery

Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center - Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery

Board Certification:
American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery


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Overall Patient Rating 4.5 out of 5 (108 Ratings, 4 Comments)

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