
The loss of bladder control, known as "incontinence," affects more than 12 million Americans. Specialized treatment facilities like Bayhealth can significantly improve or completely cure 80 percent of incontinence causes - many times without surgery.

Many non-surgical and surgical treatment options are available especially if the condition is diagnosed early.

Non-surgical treatment approaches:

  • Counseling/dietary modification of diet, toilet habits and outside influences that affect urinary control
  • Bladder retraining and behavioral therapy such as biofeedback to help strengthen weak pelvic muscles
  • Medication to help alleviate the symptoms of incontinence without surgery

Surgical treatment approaches:

  • Collagen or Durasphere injection therapy – a minimally invasive alternative to open surgery
  • Surgery – including Transvaginal tape (TVT), Transobturator tape (TOT), Interstim Sacral Nerve Modulation, Pubovaginal Sling, and Artificial Urinary Sphincter

Urology consists of three diagnostic/treatment components to give patients several options:

  • The Urodynamics Center – testing such as video urodynamics to identify the most effective treatment
  • The Biofeedback Suite – non-surgical methods to “retrain” the bladder and strengthen pelvic muscles using bio-feedback and physical therapy
  • Specialized operating room facilities for surgical procedures

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