Erin Joyner, RN, with her DAISY Award

Joyner Earns a DAISY Award for Compassionate Care

Wednesday, December 20, 2023 | Awards & Recognitions
Erin Joyner, RN, cares for patients at the Bayhealth Kent campus and has been awarded a DAISY Award. Joyner’s kindness and compassion, which was noticed by the daughter of one of her patients, earned her this award.

The DAISY Award is a “thank you” to extraordinary nurses. This program recognizes nurses who show compassion and determination through the care they provide. The DAISY Award honors the super-human work that nurses everywhere do for their patients along with their families.

The DAISY Award is given by the DAISY Foundation, which was formed in 2000 by the family of J. Patrick Barnes. The Barnes Family wanted to recognize the nurses who cared for Patrick and all the other “unsung heroes” of the nursing profession.

The daughter and caregiver of her patient instantly noticed how respectful Joyner was when it came to implementing aspects of her mother’s daily care.

“Some nurses are there to do their job and leave, they have a ‘see this everyday’ attitude. This [was] not an everyday thing for us and it was very scary. She helped put mine and my mother’s minds at ease through her kindness and compassion,” said Joyner’s nominator.

Daisy Award honorees are chosen by nurses, administrators, peers, physicians, volunteers, patients, and family. If you know a Bayhealth nurse who deserves to be nominated, visit and fill out the nomination form.

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