Rosi Wurster and Samantha Fox

Collaborative and Compassionate Care Earns Fox a DAISY Award

Thursday, January 18, 2024 | Awards & Recognitions
Bayhealth’s Samantha Fox, RN, has been awarded a DAISY Award for her high quality and compassionate care. She consistently embodies the value of teamwork and efficiently communicates with her team in order to provide the most effective care possible.

The DAISY Award is a “thank you” to extraordinary nurses. This program recognizes nurses who show compassion and determination through the care they provide. The DAISY Award honors the super-human work that nurses everywhere do for their patients along with their families.

The DAISY Award is given by the DAISY Foundation, which was formed in 2000 by the family of J. Patrick Barnes. The Barnes Family wanted to recognize the nurses who cared for Patrick and all the other “unsung heroes” of the nursing profession.

Fox and her team had the opportunity to care for a patient who was previously diagnosed and treated for breast cancer. After the patient’s initial reconstruction surgery with a different surgeon, she was hesitant when it came to having another surgery since she had dealt with previous complications.

The team was able to offer the patient an advanced breast reconstruction technique. However, this type of reconstruction required coordination with the insurance company, the patient, the operating room and hospital administration. It also required numerous post operative visits and continued coordination between multiple healthcare providers.

Despite all of these moving parts, Fox was able to navigate the entire process with expertise and compassion for the patient. “This would be a remarkable case if it was the only such situation where Fox has worked so hard to provide the best care for our patients, however, this is the standard that she holds herself to for all of our patients and we are truly lucky to have her on our team,” said Fox’s nominator.

DAISY Award honorees are chosen by nurses, administrators, peers, physicians, volunteers, patients, and families. If you know a Bayhealth nurse who deserves to be nominated, visit and fill out the nomination form.

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