Bayhealth Chaplains accept award

Bayhealth Earns Excellence in Spiritual Care Award

Monday, June 28, 2021 | Awards & Recognitions
Bayhealth is driven to care for the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of everyone in our community. Bayhealth’s Pastoral Care team was recently honored with HealthCare Chaplaincy Network’s Excellence in Spiritual Care Award for its contributions to this mission. As the region’s healthcare leader, Bayhealth is the only health system in Delaware to receive the award and is one of the first in the nation to receive it for the third consecutive time. 
HealthCare Chaplaincy Network™ (HCCN) is a global healthcare nonprofit organization that offers spiritual care-related information and resources to hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Its mission is to advance the integration of spiritual care in healthcare to improve patient experience and satisfaction and help people faced with illness and grief find comfort and meaning—whoever they are, whatever they believe, wherever they are. 
HCCN’s two-year Excellence in Spiritual Care Award is given to those healthcare facilities that support this mission and meet a set of standards that show their commitment to their patients’ spiritual and religious needs. 
“It’s a great honor to receive this award, which is a testament to the work we do every day in Pastoral Care to meet the spiritual needs of not only our patients and staff, but every member of our community,” said Bayhealth’s Supervisor of Pastoral Care Rev. Carol Harris. “I’m equally proud that we met more standards than anyone else who applied for the award, and that we were recognized for our growth in areas such as relating communally to our staff and patients and for being very competent in our cultural and spiritual diversities.” 
HCCN was also impressed by the number of volunteer chaplains at Bayhealth and how they all work together to provide coverage and meet the unique needs of those they care for and serve every day. 
“Bayhealth employs chaplains who align their work with evidence-based best practice, and have been determined by HealthCare Chaplaincy Network to exceed the standards for providing excellence in spiritual care,” said HCCN’s Programs and Services Director Rev. Brian Hughes. 
In addition to growing its number of volunteer chaplains, the Pastoral Care team expanded the types of spiritual care and support they give to staff and the community since last receiving the award. Examples include performing weddings for staff and patients and holding a weekly prayer and moment of meditation that is broadcast on Bayhealth’s Facebook page each Friday afternoon. 
Visit to learn more about how Bayhealth’s Pastoral Care team cares for and serves our community. 

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