Cameron Golden, PharmD, BCACP

Adding Value to the Community and in Healthcare

Thursday, February 24, 2022 | Community Outreach

A Black History Month Spotlight of Bayhealth Pharmacy Residency Program Director Cameron A. Golden, PharmD, BCACP

Driven to make a difference is Bayhealth’s Cameron A. Golden, PharmD, BCACP. Serving as a core faculty member of the Bayhealth Family Medicine Residency Program, Dr. Golden works as a clinical pharmacy specialist on an interdisciplinary team helping to grow and foster the physicians of Delaware’s future. He assists providers with complex disease management and strives to instill confidence in his patients as they face their own health journeys.

In celebration of Black History Month, Bayhealth is presenting stories of team members in a series called “Black Excellence that Inspires.” A collection of these stories will be shared on Bayhealth’s social media pages. Join us as we honor and celebrate these inspiring individuals like Dr. Golden.

Raised by supportive parents, Dr. Golden grew up with a passion for being involved and serving in his community of Hampton, Virginia. In his early schooling, he found that he flourished in science and math. He was later greatly impacted by his high school chemistry teacher who left teaching to become a pharmacist. Right after high school, Dr. Golden chose to attend pharmacy school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; spending much of his time there completing inner city rotations and working with underserved populations. While earning his degree, he continued to have an impact in the community.

Resiliency is a trait Dr. Golden was raised seeing firsthand. His father has always been a role model in his life and has given him a true foundation for success. Right before looking at colleges, Dr. Golden’s father unexpectedly lost his job. “Just a few weeks ago, my mother found an old spreadsheet where my father had budgeted to see how he was going to get me through six years of pharmacy school,” he said. Dr. Golden watched his father persist in that tough season and figure out how to make things work for his family. “He was committed to persevere and find a way to help his son’s wildest dreams come true.”

Legacy motivates Dr. Golden. “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was most admirable to me because of his desire to achieve something larger than himself,” he said. Dr. Golden’s vision involves creating an environment where others can grow; opening doors for more equitable opportunities that haven’t always been available to African Americans in healthcare. He strives to provide an example of overcoming the odds and achievement to his Black peers, particularly the youth. It is especially significant to him to, “show Black men in white coats do exist,” he shared. Dr. Golden is truly a representation of who they can rise to become.

As the program director for Bayhealth’s new PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program in Ambulatory Care, Dr. Golden will continue to facilitate rotations for pharmacy residents and students. “It’s my responsibility to make sure that I am taking the skills that I have and giving them back to the students. That’s the greatest gift,” he said.

Bayhealth is proud to honor Dr. Golden during Black History Month. Visit to be a part of a team who respects and values everyone on the team.

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